Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Struggling to stay motivated

on the back of a week feeling like sh%t with the flu and now being totally congested with sore throat / chest etc ( the usual hong kong flu like symptons that everyone in this town seems to be living with at the moment), and with the weather being so rubbish, it was howling wind/rain this morning i had full underarmour on / shorts / tshirts/hooded top and ski hat and was still cold, i am tired/sore/ lethargic and snappy to be around which basically makes me a walking hand grenade, combine that with the fact that sasha and i are up till 10 or 11pm doing food preperation for ourselves and for the boys the sleeep cycle is a bit out of sync.....in thailand when it was warm i was leaping up to do my exercises at 7am, so we are in a trough...with heavier sets and more skips its taking me longer to do the exercises and although i see and feel results, my mental approach is taking a kicking and i am trying v hard to keep it in perspective, i also wonder whether i did the right thing by starting this program, whether or not i can finish it / keep up the intensity the food prep, it was all ok when feeling strong and blasting thru the sets.
I snapped the resistance band i bought for sasha last night too which doesnt help, about how i feel about it or the fact that she had to improvise on some of her sets, will repalce today if i have time to get to the sports shop.
i dont know where this self doubt is coming from but it needs stamping out asap.....hoping for warmer weather / more sleep / better energy levels and a renewed sense of direction and drive.....in the pcp doldrums for now, James.


  1. Think of how far you've come....see the results you've already obtained...send positive thoughts your way. Lastly, think how you'll feel about yourself at the END of 90 days....it will be worth it even though at times it's tough! YOU CAN DO IT!!!! Hang in there! There are 25 other people that go up and down at times also, but together we can all make it.

  2. James I know how you are feeling but be strong now, to give up now would be real stupid and all thespian would be for nothing. Hold in , you can do it!!!Bxxx

  3. c'mon dude
    pcp factory downstairs: we will be beautiful and happy in the end
    me and you male models for male underwear!!
    "who let the dogs out
    ? uh!"

  4. It's a long 90 days and at times I thought it should be called the Peak (and Valley) Condition Project. Actually I didn't; I just came up with that now.

    There will be tough times, but if you push through, not only will feel GREAT about yourself for having done so, you will know that next time you find yourself in a valley that it is nothing you can't handle.

    Push through. Everyone has your back. DO IT DO IT!

  5. Hey James - I am thinking that around now Day 33 or so we are all losing a bit of motivation.. as it is difficult and time consuming. So possibly you're not the only one in the group feeling this way.

    The good thing is - we're all in this together and we will all pull ourselves through this together. We and you have come very far and unlike us, you have your PCP factory downstairs.

    Keep it up mate - get through today, tomorrow and the rest of this week. Friday is light day - so you're one day from there. The weekend will help you pull it all together again.

    As Bill wrote - we have your back mate. Keep it up.

  6. You can totally rock this James! We're with you!
