Monday, January 31, 2011


First day of the holiday that I snuck in a nap at lunchtime just for twenty mins...felt not great afterwards,really starting to unwind here which is lovely but trying hard not to drop the intensity of my sets, I think the lack of sugar and maybe more importantly salt is giving me a dull headache, I am drinking a lot of water but I am really sweating hard by the end of my workout, doing it from seven till eight in the morning and it's still WARM....
On a list of my most favorite foods glass noodle salad black pepper prawns and Thai green curry are probably all in the top ten....I am resilient but it's tougher than I holidays past I would have eaten these three everyday all week....I am pleasantly surprised at my dedication however and the fact that Sasha is here with me and sticking to her program and diet as well is a huge support and motivation for me so big thanks to my amazing wife...I think her day 16 photo was brilliant you look amazing already my love keep it hamstrings are a little tight but I think the heat may be allowing me to overextend and then they stiffen up afterwards.....keep up the good work team stick to your guns and keep the blogging up it is by far and away the best motivational tool knowing you are all going through it as the sun goes down over the andaman sea I wish you all strength and perseverance on this PCP!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Yep --- the sweating has sure picked up with the workouts!
