Tuesday, January 25, 2011

running late

have been doing my sets at 6am hit the dismiss buton on the alarm this morning and started at 6.30...not good...skipped like maniac...didnt really rest between sets...was doing squats/pushups as combination instead of breaking...rushed my breakfast not great veggies in the taxi....120 grams of cornflakes is a mountain im not sure its right but then if i had the milk to the cornaflakes i will just have milk and three cornflakes...confusing....any advice there would be great....might just do toast with avocado/tomato/egg/chilli a little spicy superfood bomb to get me going....bed earlier is key as well didnt feel good getting up this morning after crashing at 11pm last night....tons of energy at the moment which is good hope it continues as work is busy and i am enjoying the tightness of all my muscle groups.....onwards and upwards !!!


  1. Lovin' all the energy also!!!! Life is good.

  2. If you must have cornflakes, add enough milk to dampen them and weigh that.
