Monday, January 17, 2011

Evening sets

The pain from yesterday subsided as I got into my routine, hoping tmrw the sinews don't ache twice as much...plenty of temptation from my "friends" at work with chocolate biscuits and cookies...could be a long ninety days with that going on....feel good about doing the work...keep the goal in my head....I like the fact it needs working on everyday...maƱana.


  1. unhelpful eh? chocky biscuits! if u fancy some dessert-like food.. chop up some apples and put in a microwave - a few min to start, stir a bit half way, a few more mins, until it's cooked. probly best to cut the apples so they're not too chunky. when its cooked it smells gorge and its so sweet, its like a dessert - but only apples! just makes it a bit more fun :) my bf's mum made it for me. filling too. an easy compote.

  2. Nice tip from Aki. I am sure your friends at work will give up after you show your steely resolve for a couple of weeks. After that, I bet they'll be asking what you are doing to get so fit, so hang in there!
