Friday, April 15, 2011

What an experience

I cannot believe ninety days is up, before starting the project I found it quite a daunting thought that for three months there was to be serious commitments on the exercise and diet front.
From my position now I know that it was just a thought and the mind is perhaps our strongest muscle.

The greatest struggle early on was being organized enough to sort out the food prep, this meant buying the right things in the supermarket and then ensuring that when it was cooked and boxed there was enough for both Sasha and I to live off for a couple of days to avoid having to spend too much time in the kitchen. We also tried to avoid too much of the same food to keep it interesting which in itself is a challenge.

The exercises were built up very well over the three months and although the creeps, floor jumps and lunges really were not my idea of fun I understand how important they were in building up the power and strength of my legs. This pain clearly helped me develop the strength to really enjoy the jumprope which I now see as the best way for me to stay in great shape going forward. I can understand why boxers use it so much to keep fit, if you need any more convincing get on YouTube and check out mayweather, pacquio and Ali doing their sets in

The times I found it the toughest to keep going were when i was ill with flu and when the distractions of work and other stress were keeping my mind on other things not PCP related.
The motivation to get through these moments came from the group ( a huge congratulations to everyone you all did brilliantly) and the guidance and comments on the blog which I now know is a very clever social tool for keeping a sense of team spirit and responsibility to everyone else that you cannot let them all down.

Patrick your comments and insights were very well timed and often proved to be the difference between picking myself up in the tougher moments and carrying on and just doing the exercises half heartedly knowing that they would not really be changing much.

Knowing that sasha and the rest of the group were experiencing the same struggles provided further determination to prove to myself that it is possible to push the boundaries.

I have never previously had the discipline that I have maintained over the last three months most definitely not on the food front so I am proud of the fact that to a set and to a gram I have kept as tight to the project as I could.
I really didn't sneak in any cheeky extra food but there were one or two sets I think mostly on the plank front that I have to admit I swerved.
Not sure why but those planks really played with my back and I felt very sick after one or two of them so if I let myself down it was there. I think as well that the pull ups have been the
toughest exercise for me, long skinny arms and heavy body are not a good combo for a good pull up.

I have to say that I think I would have struggled a lot more if sasha had not been doing the project with me, she has been brilliant and I know that she found it very demanding physically and mentally but I have to say my biggest thanks are for my amazing wife. To have completed the project together enhances the pride and sense of achievement and it has been very tough on her whilst doing the PCP she has been looking after me and out two little boys.
I know that she could have done with at least two hours more sleep a night and often the thought of doing her sets was the last thing she wanted t be doing.

The results speak for themselves she looks amazing and there is no way she looks like someone who has had two children in the last two years....WELL DONE YOU xx

I am convinced that during the last three months I have learned a huge amount about myself and I want to thank jasper and bill for talking to me about the project before and keeping me going during it, big respect and what a way to change my life I owe you both a very large drink.

I feel different, I look different, and I look at my life differently. There is so much that has changed and it feels oddly novel. I think that having our two little boys around has given me extra encouragement and just being able to enjoy my weekends more with increased energy is a huge positive.

Funniest moment of the ninety days was going to the tailor and him explaining to me that in order to make my trousers fit he was going to have to remove one whole leg and then use the remaining leg but cut in half to fit the other leg back on in order to try and save the trousers.

I started at eighty seven kilos I am today seventy seven kilos. I have lost I think around eight inches of my waistline, two inches around my neck and I have discovered muscle groups that I had no idea existed.
I enjoy eating all foods but I understand about portion control, I can focus for far longer at work, I sleep better and I really enjoy skipping with music on.

I cannot stress how much PCP has done for me but I will load up my photos tomorrow and you can be the judge, the changes on the outside are mirrored by some big fundamental changes on the inside too and it think this is where I am humbled by the experience.

Patrick what a journey, I encourage anyone that reads this to sign up for the next PCP, and in fact I know at least five people that have done just that since our trip began back in January.

I am looking forward now to future challenges perhaps a triathlon or some action endurance racing and I will not easily forget the lessons I have learned in the last ninety days.

This has been a very interesting and educational period in my life and I will miss the interaction with the other members of the group in the blogosphere, it has been incredibly rewarding and I thank all of you for your support and your commitment to our project.

I hope the pictures show how I feel and I know you will all enjoy the summer :)

Patrick muchas gracias compadre, it has been extraordinary.

Peace and love, in sets, jump rope and delicious fresh food, for now,



  1. WELL SAID! Can't wait to see your pictures. This post nails the essence of PCP, James. Great job!

  2. Thank you thank you thank you.. for getting me into this adventure!

  3. You only get out what you put in James, and it's clear you put it all in! Great working with you and here's a well earned COMPLETE!
